Discover the Proven Step by Step Path

for Awakening Your Light Body

Accessing Your Divine Gifts

Thousands around the world have walked this

proven path to their own awakening.

Frustrated with Spiritual Hopscotch?

Have you tried a bunch of teachers and practices, never quite finding the missing piece?

It may be that you are made to create your own path!

Awakening Your Lightbody is unique in that it puts you in contact with YOUR OWN GUIDANCE system & Your OWN WAY.

Do you crave a holistic approach, a system that integrates seamlessly into your life and accelerates your growth?

 Are you ready to make a quantum leap on your spiritual journey?

Are you ready to unleash Your OWN Unique Spiritual Gifts and untapped talents?

It’s safe to say that you earned your place here.

We don’t create, live and maintain worthwhile lives by accident.

Your soul is calling…
It’s time to do things differently
It’s time for a shift in consciousness.

Welcome to your multidimensional quantum access pass.

It’s time to get on board for the evolution you’ve been dreaming of.

This is an invitation to step out of the same thoughts, actions and patterns = same results, cycle.

If you're not yet living your best life,

it’s time to access the gps of your Soul.

Don't you think?

No more piecing together fragmented knowledge.

This immersive program offers direct guidance from a seasoned teacher, a supportive community, and powerful techniques that bypass the self-help maze so you become empowered to receive guidance directly from your Higher Self and Councils of Light.

This comprehensive program goes beyond isolated techniques; it is your accelerated path to self-mastery and expressway to accessing all your divine gifts. 

This course offers a powerful framework to ascend your consciousness.

Welcome to this sacred container that promises to hold you through your initiations with Grace and gently support you to stay committed to your spiritual path.

  • Shifting from confusion to clarity: Receive personalized guidance to navigate your unique path and discover the tools within your own energy body to bring yourself back to inner peace and centeredness within just a few short breaths.

  • ​Breaking through plateaus: Unlock accelerated growth and leverage the profound insights of Lightbody teachings combined with practical techniques for everyday application.

  • Experience profound transformations

  • ​Access Your Spiritual Gifts

  • ​Bridge Your Higher Self Connection

  • ​Expand your knowledge of Self

  • ​Re-Attune yourself to your original blueprint of Joy, Peace, Wellbeing

  • ​Unlock your true potential

  • ​Break free from self-imposed limitations and discover the radiant being you came here to be

  • ​Heal the past and awaken your radiant potential

Awakening Your Lightbody is not just a course, it's a transformative journey

  • Dive deep into the 10 Lightbody centers: Each energy center holds immense power waiting to be activated. Learn to harness these forces for healing, manifestation, and spiritual connection.

  • ​Master potent meditation techniques: Go beyond passive listening. Engage in guided meditations specifically designed to awaken your Lightbody and unlock its transformative potential.

  • ​Awaken and Activate Your Lightbody so that you can move through the world housed in your own spiritual frequency and current rather than being influenced by all the external energies out there.

  • ​Connect with a supportive community: Find strength and inspiration from fellow lightworkers on the same path. Share experiences, receive feedback, and celebrate each other's breakthroughs.

Take the expressway to self-mastery

with Awakening Your Lightbody.

Within this Self Mastery course, you will discover:

  • Living with unwavering clarity: Make powerful decisions aligned with your purpose.

  • ​Empath Support and Upskills : Release the patterns of feeling bombarded by others energy and people pleasing.  Discover how to return to your higher vibration with ease. 

  • ​​Manifesting your desires effortlessly: Attract abundance, fulfilling relationships, and a life that fuels your soul.

  • ​Connecting with your higher self: Access intuitive guidance and live from a place of deep inner peace and well being.

  • ​Greater Connection to your Family of Light :  Your Team of Light grows as you do and its a wonderful feeling to know that they are there for you with just a thought, guiding your through your initiations.

  • Enhance Your Skills, Talents & Service: In all areas of your life.  Teachers, Leaders, Care-Givers, Counselors, Creatives of all kinds.  The Lightbody enhances your skills, flows and ability to channel more light into all that you do.

  • ​Expand Your Healing Channels: As you hold, ground and transmit more light, all of your natural healing abilities gain more potency, clarity and precision.

  • ​Activate Your Divine Gifts: Your Spiritual Gifts are in Your Spiritual Body.  Discover how to move your awareness to access your greater consciousness.

  • ​This list is Endless and Unique to each Soul as your Lightbody is Unique.  It has the tools specifically for YOUR Gifts and talents like a fingerprint. 

    There is no limit to the positive benefits you will receive by Awakening Your Lightbody

Feel like this is for you but have Questions?

Book a FREE 15m Discovery Call with Zara.

Awakening Your Lightbody is an investment in your quantum leap.

At the end of the program, you will not be the same person that started this year.

Your Future Self is looking back on you now, urging you to let go of your fears and trust the gentle voice within.

It does not depreciate, or fade.

The skills and connection you gain access to only become more richly fulfilling.

The uses for Awakening Your Lightbody are limitless and personal to your unique being.

The 2x monthly live classes will support your discovery and exploration on how to use your lightbody in every aspect of your life.

You will consistently experience more peace, more guidance, more ability to flow with life without being weighed down by it.

Unlock the secrets within: Each of your 10 Lightbody centers hums with immense, untapped power. In Awakening Your Lightbody, you'll learn to activate and harness these forces for profound healing, effortless manifestation, and a deeper spiritual connection. 

Go beyond passive listening and master potent guided meditations designed specifically to awaken your Lightbody and unlock its transformative potential.

But that's not all. Awakening Your Lightbody goes beyond simply activating energy centers. You'll also learn to train your brain to interpret the non-physical data your Lightbody can access. Imagine receiving intuitive insights, experiencing past lives, or connecting with higher consciousness – all through the power of your awakened Lightbody.

Join a supportive community: Share your journey with fellow lightworkers, find strength and inspiration in their experiences, and receive valuable feedback from your teacher. Celebrate each other's breakthroughs and create a powerful network of support as you ascend together.

6 volumes of Home Study Meditation to work with at your own pace.

This includes 72 meditations created by Orin & Daben.  Each meditation is approximately 20 minutes making them easy to fit into your day.

6 PDF Manuals with journal prompts to accompany each volume of the course for deeper understanding of your energy centers and lightbody.

Weekly emails filled with wisdom teachings to keep you motivated and on track,

12 months of personal support and unique teachings from Zara with 2 Live classes a month for deeper reflection and practical guidance on using these skills in your life.  

Live Classes are held twice monthly on Thursdays 6:30 pm EST / 3:30 pm PST

Starting October 2024

The home study guides you to :

Activate the Higher Energy Centers and Awaken Your Lightbody.

The live classes inspire you on:

How to use these tools in your everyday life to make radical shifts in relationships, abundance, physical and emotional ease and so much more...

We will be going through each volume at a steady pace approximately 1 volume every 4-8 weeks with additional months to expand and review.

Lifetime access to all future Awakening Your Lightbody Courses we offer to come back to, review and practice whenever it suits you.

Zara is a world renowned thought leader in spiritual growth and development for starseeds, lightworkers, empaths and creatives. Regular author within A Beautiful Life Magazine and Co-author of the book The Art of Healing.
Founder of True Light Healing Academy in the heart of Historical Kingston, NY she held a healing practice and regular workshops for the community for over a decade.  Orchestrator, Designer and High Priestess in service for the Hudson Valley Beltane Festival at CSS 2012-2014.  She has spent many years volunteering with Health Care as a Human Right offering free energy healings to the local community. She continues to volunteer as part of a collective of international Lightworkers within The Divine University dedicated to bringing New Spiritual Education to the Earth Plane.
Working one-on-one and in groups, She focuses on empowering others to claim their divine birthright, access their spiritual gifts and become the force of positive change in the world that sings within their hearts-calling.
Using the Lightbody tools  since 2004 she has become a master manifestor and recently moved into a beautiful lakeside cabin that she manifested with no money (2021) in the pristine Adirondack Mountains of Upstate NY. 
The spiritual journey of co-creating her dream of lakeside living into a reality with no perceived financial means has ignited a renewed passion to assist others to bust through any perceived limitations to living the life of their dreams.

"Forget everything you think you know about chakras and meditation. The Light Body course is unlike anything I've experienced. It awakens your unique energy body, revealing a world of self-discovery. Boundaries became effortless, relationships evolved naturally, and I gained a deeper understanding of who I am on an energetic level. It's like having a key to unlock your intuitive wisdom."

"This program perfectly progresses through understanding your light body. It explains everything in digestible bits, building your energy step-by-step. No overwhelm, just seamless growth. Plus, the support is incredible - videos, meditations, check-ins - everything to solidify your transformation. Within a month, you'll be a different person, lighter and empowered."

"My aha moment? Discovering the power within to heal my family. This wasn't just information, it was a responsibility. Feeling a sense of control in a seemingly hopeless situation restored hope and empowered me to be the change agent. This course is powerful, offering personal transformation and the ability to impact others."